Alex jones calling Q fake kinda freaks me out.
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Again, I have yet to see any proof of Q saying that AJ is controlled by Mossad. Please share the link if anyone has it.
New folks aren't going to know a lot of this, because they don't know what the Q posts say, didn't see the whole exchange between Alex Jones attacking Q and the Q team's responses, nor did they see the fake victim rig Alex Jones was running while he was doing it.
Also: if you didn't see what Alex Jones and Infowars did regarding pizzagate, you won't understand why he came to be viewed as a pedo enabler while he was screeching about the horrible pedophiles. He helped them on purpose.
Thank you. I've never seen Q post 2089.
"Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?"
To be fair though, I have a hard time discrediting everything AJ has ever said because of one line from Q in 2018 that implies he's controlled by Mossad. But giving you the benefit of the doubt, it would seem that Mossad also wants to expose the cabal, child trafficking, etc. right?