So I work in an area hospital, we are able to volunteer (with pay) to COVID screen people coming to the hospital. 99% of my screening shifts are in the ER. DAILY we get people in that are a. having a reaction of some type to the 2nd dose of the vaccine, or b. are here for some systemic problem (breathing, pain, headache, etc) and love to brag when I screen them that they just got their shots, not putting 2+2 together that they may be related. Luckily we are still voluntary where I work because NO WAY IN HELL will I get this shit shot. Peer pressure is rediculous and reactions are WAY under reported
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its like it doesnt even occur to them that they may be related, everyone who comes in with some problem but tell me about their vax status im like mmhmm, the worst is the preggos who come in because of their fetal activity is way down. so awful. Not saying they are all related, but.......
They're related, we all know it. The baby boom that people were joking was gonna happen after lockdown is going to be nearly as fruitful after the liquid abortions. That doesn't mention what deformities and "alterations" will happen in the womb
A girl I went to high school with got vaxxed during pregnancy. Her newborn is definitely vaccine injured. Poor little angel has serious issues that will shorten his life, none of which were present before his mama got her shots. ?
Do you mind sharing which kind of issues that will shorten his life that weren’t there before? Just curious b/c my coworker got the first shot b/c she just took the word of her OB ??♀️ who told her it was safer to get the shot over getting Covid while pregnant. ? Anyways, when she went to get the second shot they told her “oh, they’re telling us now that pregnant women shouldn’t get the shot b/c we don’t know if it’s safe or not”. ? Praying the one shot wasn’t enough to cause the baby permanent damage. We’ll find out in July....