Good Day To Bury Bad News
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
London has sent the message out it’s around 0800EST any DS who wants to bury a bad news story like a laptop or paedophilia or corruption has been given a free 7 day pass by Buck Palace to get it out there.
Time to scan the WAPO, NYT, CNN etc
Wait, I don't understand. Why is there a free pass?
The death of Prince Phillip will dominate the news for days. Anything else will be buried in the classified section.
Thanks for clearing that up!
London takes the hit on the major lead news story for a 7 to 14 day cycle with Philip, allows Deep state actors to bury bad news in the cycle where it gets lost.
The best example was the 2 to 3 trillion dollars that vanished from the pentagon the day it got hit by the missile. The documents relating to the funds were in the area that got turned to ash.
That makes sense. So even more vigilant we shall be!