Anon1970 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q never said ten days of darkness. There s no "of".

An Anon did ask Q "the 10 days, darkness - when?"

Q replied "shut down".


Anon1970 1 point ago +1 / -0

No noted side effects as far as I know. As for prevention, I personally just take a dose every now and then. If you're looking for something specific for prevention I think there's some links to guidelines that have been posted on this site in the past.

Anon1970 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mel said in an interview later that he knew the fire was in his neighborhood when he was giving that interview to Joe Rogan and he was Ill at ease during it.

Anon1970 5 points ago +7 / -2

The male heckler was acting like a child and deserved the tongue lashing. Kari put him in his place.

Yet if this was Trump you would be praising him for attacking the heckler in the same way.

You are a woman hating faggot and a hypocrite.

Anon1970 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is no bird flu. This is simply fear porn to the gullible.

Anon1970 2 points ago +2 / -0

The United States of America.

THAT is the name of our country and it does NOT include other sovereign countries.

The USA is the ONLY country with "America" included in it's name. It's why it's citizens are called Americans.

Anon1970 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trolls are an endangered species. Let's keep them that way!

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