posted ago by djmarcone ago by djmarcone +29 / -0

I've said it before on here, and some people seemed to chime in positively, but I've NEVER seen anyone posting anything about this particular person.

There's only (1) ONE person who called it all correctly. Stealing 2020, betrayal on the 6th, a FAKE Bidan presidency. In 2018 she said they would be LOCKING US IN OUR HOUSES to STEAL THE ELECTION.

And that is ToreSays.

The last several weeks she has been STRESSING about banding together to take back state and local government, taking the fight to local and state government about vaccine passports and election integrity.

Lately she has been going over in detail about how NO EMPLOYER IN THE USA can legally mandate you to take the experimental "Vaccine" due to existing discrimination laws.

  1. she acknowledges Q, that it was/is real
  2. she doesn't charge money, doesn't have sponsors, doesn't have books.
  3. she called it right the whole time. She called out 2020 rigging in 2018.
  4. she is NOT saying to sit back and do nothing, she is saying FIGHT and PRAY
  5. she is ADAMANT that the people be educated about the truth
  6. she is saying be careful who you follow, she is saying do your own research
  7. she is NOT saying she is Q but she is claiming to know insider things.
  8. she freely admits she was a spook. She could still be a spook, who knows.

Item 3 makes item 7 not disqualify her because she HAS CALLED IT RIGHT. Did X22 call it right? I see links for his show stickied. Come on, man.

Tore Says Show is on Twitch. No need to pay. She's been kicked off other places. You might find her on YT but it's not consistent.

Be careful who you follow. We're all just looking for the truth. This chick is worth a listen. YOU WILL LEARN THINGS.