When I google it it obviously shows only good stuff, but how much is out there for negative side effects.
I know I saw that one facebook post with the rash, but what else is out there?
When I google it it obviously shows only good stuff, but how much is out there for negative side effects.
I know I saw that one facebook post with the rash, but what else is out there?
Okay. I saw the story about the baby dying the day after the breastfeeding mom got a shot, made me worried for you guys. Not sure which shot she had. I can track down the story if you didn't see it. I know I sent it to someone.
I saw that too. The 2nd story I saw like that. I was Pfizer, I took a screen shot.
I appreciate your concern. I'll for sure make a post if I notice anything negative from the 2nd shot.