Thankfully it wasn't a hate crime though, that would have made it much worse. Fucking scumbags. Absolutely unbelievable. The article says she's in good condition, what a horror. Like she has anything to do with your welfare check getting into your hands so you can piss away.
Probably would have got off because of the Black and White BS that is being pounded into We The People! Law is Law and it should be the same for all peoples! BTW- White people are not white they're Caucasian!
There are some people who aren't evolved enough to live in a civilized society. Just sayin'...
According to Jennifer Ho. It's because of white supremacy.?.
Thankfully it wasn't a hate crime though, that would have made it much worse. Fucking scumbags. Absolutely unbelievable. The article says she's in good condition, what a horror. Like she has anything to do with your welfare check getting into your hands so you can piss away.
Nothing dumber than a herd of zoo animal trying to fit in with smart people.
Should be quite the Felony! If the Law counts now days!
Probably would have got off because of the Black and White BS that is being pounded into We The People! Law is Law and it should be the same for all peoples! BTW- White people are not white they're Caucasian!