CH-53’s are used by the Marines and Sea Stallion variant by the Navy. Fort Campbell has Chinooks, Blackhawks and Little Birds. Used to work with 101st at Ft Campbell and deployed with them. Also worked Marine CH-53’s at New River A.S. NC. The pic is of CH-53’s but no telling why they’re in Nashville? Maybe someone else here knows?
Out of Ft Campbell, doing runs to Air National Guard side of airfield.
CH-53’s are used by the Marines and Sea Stallion variant by the Navy. Fort Campbell has Chinooks, Blackhawks and Little Birds. Used to work with 101st at Ft Campbell and deployed with them. Also worked Marine CH-53’s at New River A.S. NC. The pic is of CH-53’s but no telling why they’re in Nashville? Maybe someone else here knows?
Two of them flew over Bristol yesterday afternoon.
Headed out over South Holston Lake far too low to be going over the mountain.
Yes that’s what I noticed when they were in Nashville. They were flying extremely low and it shook my house