Vitamin D verses C-19
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Brother in law woke up sick with fever got rapid test this morning positive for covid. Same household.
I’m 29 and healthy but never took any vitamins or any daily regimens, is there something I can grab out at work today and start taking before I get back home?
I don’t trust a lot of stuff on the shelves what can I look for to start taking so with vitamin D and maybe even continue to take for personal health? Please help! I refuse to be vaccinated or take any tests.
I hope my personal testimony helps you (and others). Years ago, I get tired easily, feeling depressed too. A blood test showed low count of white blood cells. My nutritionist at the time, a very up-to-date professional, requested a specific blood test for Vitamin D. Which was really low because I never sunbathe in sufficient quantity. She prescribed three 7,000UI pills a week and I never felt tired again. After 3 months she asked me to keep getting the suplemment "for life" (or getting more sunbath time). You can take Vitamin K2 to help absorb better the Vitamin D.
So I researched on the Internet about "Terrain Theory", which argues that we don't need a vaccine, but to keep our immune system always up to date. Meaning, a diet with anti-inflammatory foods (turmeric, ginger, red pepper, low carbohydrate to mention some, research for anti-inflammatory food) and vitamin D supplement. BTW, the diseases that kill most are caused by inflammation caused by excess of carbohydrate.
Also, if you have black skin, Vitamin D becomes more imperative because black skin cannot absorb enough Vitamin D from the Sun.
You deserve more updoots. That kangz video was fucking hilarious!!! Crazy bitch on the airplane lecturing everyone bout how we wuz kangz. LOL!!
Correcting: darker skin, not just black skin.
Plus: Yep, covid and the plandemic is racist (lockdown = no sun and Vitamin D/ Immune System bashing on MSM).