I like this sign !??
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My family has run several small businesses. It is truly amazing how cheap things are at a wholesale price. As youngsters , working in our stores, we were told that everything we got at wholesale we doubled in price and 10 % was added on top of that. If we were selling to a tough customer we were told to say" well don't tell my dad but I will give you 25% off, 30% off, etc, up to 50 % off". We would still make at least 10 % on the sale!
And then you have an older online sales portal, jet.com, who sold goods AT wholesale pricing just to undersell and squeeze a competitor to buy them.
Walmart acquired them for something like $2 billion.
Madlads cashed out.
A business has a lot more expenses than the wholesale price of the items they sell: employees, rent, utilities, insurance, advertising, taxes, legal fees, etc. Then there's profit, which is the goal, but which many small businesses never make. Making 10% over wholesale on an item might win you a sale with a tough customer, but it won't make you profitable and if you have too many tough customers, you'll soon be out of business.
Well it always worked for us. Treat a customer good and they repeat their business. My point was that giving 50% off for non mask wearing is a good business tool and will gain more business, thus more profit. The thing is, business owners get so caught up in making a profit that they treat their customers badly and then wonder why they have no customers, no profit.