posted ago by AuthentiCxts2020 ago by AuthentiCxts2020 +28 / -1

First, we must realize that we REALLY do have SO much more than we know...I’m talking about media tweets, articles & links that have videos & images ...

You’ll see what I mean...freeze frame shots, screenshot, zoom, then zoom again, screenshot, then zoom some more, screenshot again, turn phone every angle and more screenshots....do this and you will see a hidden reality...check it out starting HERE: (freeze framed image from Scavino’s golf tweet on 4-7 & Trump speaking at Mar-a-lago last night...both are from very end)


Then go here to previous post re: Scavino’s tweet: https://greatawakening.win/p/12i4DQeW3x/shall-we-play-some-gamesthe-/

Or just start playing “Where’s Pepe?” With the linked images below...while you’re at it, look for White rabbits, aliens, demons, MJ, Spider-Man, Batman, Darth Vader, many faces, ghosts/spirits, portals, etc. because I’ve been finding all of these hiding out in more places than you know!

Please look with an open mind and eyes?

*I’ve tried to condense the images with pic collage...

The 1st link below is all the freeze framed screenshots from last night’s Mar-a-lago video, and the other links to follow will be screenshots of the zoomed images:





https://piccollage.com/_CHya8rE5 https://piccollage.com/_UuQVMw61

If you don’t believe what you’re seeing, then you try for yourself from the video links below:

Here’s the Mar-a-lago video: (the only way I could link on GAW was from Q-tip’s Telegram post/link: https://t.me/QanonMemes/2852

And here’s Scavino’s link: https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1379992523104526337?s=20