Haters are gonna hate, no matter what. Simon is a good guy with the best intentions. The truth will be out and those that feel the need to trash him will look the fools. And might I remind each and every one that has stated over and over again...repeatedly about the "alien issue"...Let's talk about YOUR personal life now. I'm sure there are things you have done that you have never told anyone, like maybe time spent alone in the bathroom with your mom's old Cosmopolitan magazine(before you were old enough to buy Penthouse if you are of an age). Or time spent in front of your computer...ALONE...maybe even chasing the neighbors dog(God forbid!!).
So, please just get off that crap, it's old and tiring. The man is trying to do a good thing. And if half of you that talk shit about him would listen to EVERYTHING he has said....yes I said EVERYTHING, and not just listen with half and ear and went off half cocked, maybe you would truly learn something.
Haters are gonna hate, no matter what. Simon is a good guy with the best intentions. The truth will be out and those that feel the need to trash him will look the fools. And might I remind each and every one that has stated over and over again...repeatedly about the "alien issue"...Let's talk about YOUR personal life now. I'm sure there are things you have done that you have never told anyone, like maybe time spent alone in the bathroom with your mom's old Cosmopolitan magazine(before you were old enough to buy Penthouse if you are of an age). Or time spent in front of your computer...ALONE...maybe even chasing the neighbors dog(God forbid!!). So, please just get off that crap, it's old and tiring. The man is trying to do a good thing. And if half of you that talk shit about him would listen to EVERYTHING he has said....yes I said EVERYTHING, and not just listen with half and ear and went off half cocked, maybe you would truly learn something.
Stop fucking your neighbors dogs.
You said that part out loud :)