Jim Nance can KiSS my ASS??⚠️????????????
Congratulations Matsayama! Great victory⛳️? I’m an avid Masters watcher and Patron.... Jim Nance said during the CBS broadcast quote “masters welcome first responders & THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN VACCINATED” “ as a thank you”......pissed Me OFF? He LIED! That’s because he represents CBS (corrupt broadcasting network). The rules for patrons to enter are actually: PCR or Antigen test 72hrs prior to entry ( regardless of vaccine) and Mask required. Doesn’t sound like a “vaccine” that I’m aware of for protection is I need a test and to wear a mask on top of that?? NO VACCINE/SHOT REQUIRE YOU ASSHOLE!
Translation from Heideki Matsuyama on winning: “ Jim Nance you’re a liar” “I’m happy to WIN the Masters & wish my family could be with me in Augusta - but because of the Fakedemic, they can’t be here....F/U Jim Nance”
Yes, I got that same translation on babelfish!
Shouldn't require masks as it's an outdoor event, and requiring a neg PCR test is outright laughable.
Also Jim Nance's appearance in those capital one commercials where "magic" johnson is about to saw him in half is creepy
Anyone employed by a major media outlet is dead to me, anyone!
I caught that, too. He’s always annoyed the crap out of me but I wrote an email. Not that anyone will care.
Happy for Matsayama. He had the weight of his whole country on him. Amazed at his performance considering the pressure.
Golf...a meeting game when the world isnt burning down....otherwise a wast of four hours. Broke my addiction some years ago.