posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +82 / -2

When upset in virtual conversation they pull the whole you must be illiterate because ones grammar isn't flawless. They forget the merits of the debate and start calling you an idiot because of some grammar error which a lot of the time isn't very clear. It pisses me off, a lot of the time I am trying to send a quick response or rebuttal and my objective is to get my message across not to turn in a piece of work with my name on it. Pathetic people. Only care about the optics but never what is behind it. These losers just sit around getting high on their own farts and criticize the world together while they can not balance their own checkbooks or develop their own opinions and critically think. Sorry for the rant but I am sure a good amount of you all can relate.