Did you read that GME post about Citadel and how there are many markers that are essentially screaming we’re on the brink of 2008 all over again? It’s a damn good read.
Just to dig a little deeper down that rabbit hole, "Q" is the wall street symbol for Bankrupt and Citadel is the corrupt firm about to go bankrupt that manages corrupt money like Epsteins
That’s wild! I’ve lately felt after reading about the financial system the last few months due to GME that “CASTLEROCK” might refer to Citadel Vs. Blackrock. Thank you for the extra bit of confirmation bias.
Did you read that GME post about Citadel and how there are many markers that are essentially screaming we’re on the brink of 2008 all over again? It’s a damn good read.
This goes so far down the rabbit hole. I strongly believe Trump knew and set the pieces in place to let them dig their own hole. Just my opinion lol.
Just to dig a little deeper down that rabbit hole, "Q" is the wall street symbol for Bankrupt and Citadel is the corrupt firm about to go bankrupt that manages corrupt money like Epsteins
That’s wild! I’ve lately felt after reading about the financial system the last few months due to GME that “CASTLEROCK” might refer to Citadel Vs. Blackrock. Thank you for the extra bit of confirmation bias.
Holy shit didn’t even think of that.
I did now! Thank you brother