Could using different face coverings like old sports jerseys wrapped around your head, ski masks that cover the mouth, those big gas masks from military surpluses, P100 masks like those used in automotive painting or full covering motor bike helmets be used as a tool to prove a point against the cloth muzzles or would it prove compliance ?
Had a couple of Ideas involving this, wanted to know what do you guys think.
Yup - I thought about using the automotive mask to shock the mind into waking up. Would not people think “is this really necessary?” - “wow, that person must be really scared “ or “who would ever want to wear something so cumbersome?” This could be used like a mirror - would they reflect on their own circumstance? I don’t know - maybe sheep be sheep and say to themselves “hey, why did I not think of that - safer than my mask and congratulate me on my forward thinking... hehe
In this case, I suggest buying a couple of those ballsack masks someone posted a couple days ago. Say that they're more effective, and wait for the herd effect to work its wonders