If you ever get a chance to look through a telescope,
the celestial bodies all look like balls .
None look like the edge of a nickel.
Best evidence for Aliens...Humans can't be the highest life form in the universe.
But , best evidence for God is anybody/thing that can get here is so far ahead us that they are gods by comparison.
Knowing god is in charge gives me great comfort, all the humans I have read about or met, definitely can't be in charge.
As for the giants, smaller planet, smaller gravity. Bigger life forms easier to move around. See Expando Planet Theory
If you ever get a chance to look through a telescope, the celestial bodies all look like balls .
None look like the edge of a nickel.
Best evidence for Aliens...Humans can't be the highest life form in the universe. But , best evidence for God is anybody/thing that can get here is so far ahead us that they are gods by comparison.
Knowing god is in charge gives me great comfort, all the humans I have read about or met, definitely can't be in charge.
As for the giants, smaller planet, smaller gravity. Bigger life forms easier to move around. See Expando Planet Theory