Heavenly Father i pray for this site, this thread, and all the amazing people that are part of it. Lift us up and allow us to unite as one people under your glorious name. You are calling your children to rise up and serve you. Allow each of us to put our differences aside and see we are all one in your spirit. Fill each of our hearts with love and light so we may help bring about your glorious kingdom. There are many that are still asleep. Remove any blinders and awake each soul to your beauty and grace. We ask that you use this thread as a place for people to go and come togrther through prayer and love. We are here for you father and we are ready to serve. We ask that u use us for your greatness amen
This thread is for anyone needing prayer wanting to say a prayer or just want a friend
Please join us at 5pm PDT for 1 min of prayer for each other and the world. And join us at the new sub c/christianity.
Prayer Warriors we are setting up a server on discord for us to come together and get to know eachother on a more personal level. And discuss ways to become a force for good across .win and the world.
Heavenly Father lift up my friend here and provide them with a lawyer that will help them with there case. Allow them to recieve whatever is fair and just for the troubles they have gone thru. Allow then to find comfort in what ever comes of this and to not hold any grudges even though they were treated wrong.Heal any injury they may be currently facing and to come back stronger than ever. May they get the justice they are seeking and for them to help this same issue to not happen to anyone else. Let them feel the love and support I am sending there way and to know they can always come to us for prayer and support, but that most importantly you are always there for them and you love them more than they can ever know. Amen