I need advice
My mom is going to get the vaccine tomorrow and I need to at least try to convince her not to get it. Please send me to links where I can focus my points. I would really appreciate it thanks.
Good luck man - my dad got his first jab last Friday. He's 80 yrs old, retired medical doctor. Wasn't much I could do to stop him. Showed him the CDC death reporting, he made some excuses for it. Not gonna let it disrupt our relationship. I shared my concerns - once - and move on. He's fine so far - as is everyone else I know who's had the jab(s). While I publish the graphs with the deaths reported to the CDC, the odds of your mom dying is like 1 in 80k. Until I actually see any long term effects in folks - I do not assume they will occur. To me it's like trusting the Imperial College projections of what "might' happen (3million covid deaths in the US). This vaccine might not be a big deal - then again it might be. I have no clue.