posted ago by MN_patriot ago by MN_patriot +49 / -1

Just doing my due diligence on the shooting in Brooklyn Center (about 10 miles from Murderapolis or GF scene). The timing of this is obviously insane, given that closing arguments are Monday, the DC trial is heating up, tensions are high in the Twin Cities.

Other questions I have: At 29 seconds in to this video, the supposed gun shot goes. You can truly hardly hear it. It almost looks like she makes sure it's loaded before drawing it. There is no recoil. The man doesn't scream, he immediately drives away less than a second later. Then she says "Holy Shit! I shot him." as if the other officers didn't realize? Are they standing there in disbelief, or are they forgetting they should probably follow the guy they shot/pulled over?

Help me dissect it. Why would this be staged or planned? To get the national guard into the streets? The decision on the DC trial could come next week, depending on deliberations. Unrest is imminent.