Today I was building a hugel mound behind my house. I looked up and noticed a huge doe watching me from about 40 feet away. She stared at me for a moment then walked back into the woods and disapeared. After seeing that all I could think was " Man, I wish we had more homeless drug addicts shitting in public around here ".
Today I was building a hugel mound behind my house. I looked up and noticed a huge doe watching me from about 40 feet away. She stared at me for a moment then walked back into the woods and disapeared. After seeing that all I could think was " Man, I wish we had more homeless drug addicts shitting in public around here ".
You need a dysfunctional couple yelling at each other to complete your sound experience...and some horn blasts.
Couple of Karens harping about you killing Grandma b/c no mask.
Screechy whiney mask nazis who get it wrong any ways.
I can barely hear the neighbors' lawn mowers and snow throwers. Trees are a wonderful concept.
Good idea! I made a pollinator garden around my bird feeders so I can watch birds and the butterflies and bees in one area.