Like many in the military, Admiral Rogers (Ret) will go down in history with only the public side of his sacrifices and contributions noted. I daresay there’s likely a world of heroic efforts that only a few will know about from this man.
Some more public background.... somewhat of a hit piece by wapo so if the black hats don’t like him, one can surmise that Rogers is a white hat and a threat to the DS. Q was not a fan of the Admiral’s detractors. Q-Post#3821...
Like many in the military, Admiral Rogers (Ret) will go down in history with only the public side of his sacrifices and contributions noted. I daresay there’s likely a world of heroic efforts that only a few will know about from this man.
Some more public background.... somewhat of a hit piece by wapo so if the black hats don’t like him, one can surmise that Rogers is a white hat and a threat to the DS. Q was not a fan of the Admiral’s detractors. Q-Post#3821...
Article in QP link...
17th director.