ThinQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some online certificate expired. See bubble_bursts post...


ThinQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was able to press the settings icon (looks like a gear in upper RH corner) and there's a logout option there.

ThinQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the info. Just found another post with others at GAW having the same issues.

ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't get in through GAW, came in via scored, navigation pathetic. Came across another GAW Post with others saying the same.

ThinQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm blocked from getting in at all, came through scored with a weird site, navigation "curtailed" to say the least. Tried two different devices/accounts. I guess I'll check back in an hour or two.

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a pretty common name, but a brief scan of Mr Moore's LinkedIn public profile (without joining LinkedIn) looks like he's a fairly standard professional accountant. I didn't see any previous employers that looked shady and certainly the award amount doesn't raise any red flags. If he's a member of any questionable organizations not listed in his online LinkedIn profile - that would be worth digging into.

For someone closely monitoring GME who might not fully understand the SEC/corporate restrictions on "insider trading" perhaps they mistook this filing as something other than standard reporting. Stock awards to company officers require public disclosure.

Unless I'm missing something OP sees with this...

ThinQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I had to guess...

This looks like an SEC form accompanying a stock award for an employee. In this case a Mr Moore who happens to be a PAO (project accounting officer?) and interim PFO (project finance officer?). I'm guessing on those acronyms, have no idea what positions they denote. Perhaps Mr Moore negotiated to get 6,641 shares of the company stock (which, at the time of this filing, was worth approximately $100K) to take on the responsibility of the PFO in the interim while the company searched for a permanent PFO?

Under "Explanation of Responses" employees of a firm are generally restricted in their ownership of company stock - in particular when they can sell their shares or purchase new shares - as they might have inside insight/information that would not be available to the general public. Edit: in this case, they're doling out the award over a period of months and requiring Mr Moore to remain in the employ of the firm to collect his full "bonus". By setting predetermined future dates or windows for employees to transact in company shares (in this case acquire/vest in them) it alleviates suspicion of any rigging of the system for both the company and the employee.

Pretty standard stuff, tbh.


Edit2: I just looked up the individual and PAO is Principal Accounting Officer, PFO is Principal Financial Officer.


ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Those folks in Miami sure like Donald Trump. 106K likes as of the time of this comment.


ThinQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Amen. 🙏✝️

And, BTW, I just want to thank you for sharing the perspective of someone who has seen some of these changes IN PERSON. Like myself, an older anon who has watched this slow-motion train wreck of society in real time, we bring with us a perspective that's, IMHO, invaluable. I (all too frequently) read some younger anons spitting venom about "boomers", blaming us for every ill of the world and primarily because their marxist teachers in grade-junior-high schools and certainly college professors infused the "hate your parents and all prior generations, blame them for everything" narrative into their minds, designed to drive generational wedges between groups and break supportive family bonds. We were certainly assaulted by the same marxist/leftist/evil venom, but many of us called the marxist shitheads out on that pathetic tactic in our youth, effectively shutting them up. Bullies back down when confronted.

As someone who never liked history while in pre-university education, didn't bother with it in university, I've come to very deeply appreciate its importance from right here on GAW. To say that it's critically important would be an understatement. Our families and past generations in general - in addition to the ensuing generations that followed ours - are crucial to our understanding of the evolution of our society into what it's become today. Despite natural generational friction, whatever history we can glean from our predecessors is invaluable to a more complete understanding of how we arrived at this crisis point. We can beat the beast back down for a couple-few generations as has been done (repeatedly) in the past, but that's not the exercise we have in front of us. Our task is to eradicate this evil for a thousand years.

It all comes back to God. Your comment was absolutely perfect, just beautiful. Thank you, BerlinWallCrosser, for sharing your perspective, your wisdom and your faith. All glory to God.

ThinQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. I had just finished reading your new post on the topic. This is not the Goodwill Industries that, it appears, most of the commenters in this post (including myself) had assumed it was, an organization started in 1902 by Reverend Edgar Helms, but a completely different charity headed by a person who happens to have the last name Goodwill. In any case, anon, I'll take a look at all the information you've provided. Being an advocate for someone who is truly suffering from injustice is always a noble goal (unlike shysters who feign need and injustice in order to bilk people out of money). That said, there was a Mr Goodwill in your title link, just not the Goodwill Industries I'd thought you were referring to. Thank you for the clarification. God bless.

ThinQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know what you're referring to with WHJ. Westlake High Julius perhaps? "The question", of course, is "Was he vaccinated?". No mention of his jab status in the article, as I'm sure you know. Another young life taken far, far too young. May God comfort his family and friends. 🙏✝️

ThinQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I'm a little confused here. According to your post title I thought when you stated Goodwill that you were referring to the Goodwill charity (where you donate goods which they sell in their shops, provide job opportunities and training for people in need of work, etc). Are you referring to an individual who happens to have the last name of Goodwill and how is this tied into Blackrock, etc?

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Source? I went to your title link, looked at Home, Recent, Documents, Resources and Videos and found nothing on Goodwill. Did I overlook it somehow? If so, can you be more specific as to where on that site it is or provide another source?

ThinQ 10 points ago +10 / -0

Condolences, anon. We're blessed by the precious individuals the Lord has placed in our lives, that we're able to walk a part of our journeys together with. Hold fast to all the wonderful memories you have with your beloved Aunt Mary Ellen. Her strong and righteous spirit as well as her steady guidance over the years will live on in your heart.

May the Lord give comfort to you and all of Aunt Mary Ellen's loved ones mourning her passing from this world. 🙏✝️

ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0


That's me with black pepper. After several turns of the pepper grinder you can see a look of disbelief form in their eyes which, after a few more turns of the grinder turns into a sort of pleading, desperate look. You feel like saying, "Hang in there, Skippy; almost there!" When the look of pain and disgust finally flashes, you can give the "All good." with a big grin. Especially fun with noodle-armed soy boyz.

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was down-voted (extensively), months and years ago, every time I posited that Trump would be arrested. The 40K perspective, long-term strategic view isn't for everyone.

ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Poppinga, not Popinga. (No way to edit the title).

Apparently the young man suffered an asthma attack that collapsed his lung last week and died yesterday as a result of this.

ThinQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could be. Odds are the puppet masters in either case are the marxist-communist beasts trying to destroy the country. Either offering monetary incentives or just winding the useful idiots up otherwise to go out and cause chaos. There's got to be some electronic trail coming from the instigators.

Btw, if it is illegal foreign invaders, they ought to be deported immediately and never allowed re-entry into the States. We all know the current fake government under the Potatus wants this chaos, destruction, violence, etc. Also, if they siphon the police into these "incidents", they can perhaps get away with some other nefarious acts in other parts of town (which was one of my first thoughts when reading this).

ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Username fits. ;)

To your question... I don't know. Could be all libs/progressives or just all stupid youth of any political leaning. I tend to think these were organized.

If they (instigators) did send out notifications prior (via cell phone, on a website), I'm hoping this will be exposed during an investigation. What are the chances of TWO mass brawls in different cities in California and one in Washington State breaking out on the same day?

ThinQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only other thing I could find is that he registered an LLC in Vermont in 2022 called the Sunshine Fund, LLC, can't find anything on it as yet.



ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Apparently they already know who did it (though they're not releasing any details) and the leftist FNM is already trying to spin it as "self defense". Who knows? It could be a simple lovers spat, but if it was politically motivated the FNM will bury it pronto.





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