It couldn’t be any more obvious to me that the media is constantly trying to shove alternative sexual perspectives down our throats. Netflix is one of the worst out there (which is why I canceled it a long time ago). I believe this is part of a very old agenda of targeting our family units, the very fabric of our society, in order to weaken our society as a whole.
I don’t hold hate or judgement for anyone lgbtq, I just don’t want it to be shoved in our faces as if it’s the new norm. Especially on something like Netflix where kids have full access to watch all that shit. Talk about massive sexual confusion.
My girlfriend doesn’t see this, and this has been a point of conflict for us. I know I’ve seen various old references (like circa 1900) or quotes from elites as targeting families by intentionally degrading our morals, etc.. I would love to try and help her see that this is a documented planned agenda, but I can’t find those references. Any help is appreciated! I’m fully aware of the “protocols” but that one is way too controversial, and no known source, so I don’t think I want to refer to that.
Edit (update): ask and you shall receive! Thank you, fine pedes!
I don't have many links off the top of my head but I can provide a simple explanation for her. It's complicated so I'll just touch on a couple points.
You probably know this already, but Marxists THRIVE on making people dependent on a welfare state. In order to be dependent, people cannot have a self sufficient family. This is part of the reason leftists insist on promoting things like single mothers, because it weakens both men and women.
Progressives get their name from insisting that things that worked for thousands of years (such as gender roles) are somehow outdated and even evil. By tossing away those ideas, they allow for people to enter uncharted territory where they will inevitably fail and people can beg the government for assistance.
Look at why the workforce is such a disaster now. In the 1960s the women's liberation movement became huge (thanks to Marxists that had infiltrated the social sciences) and they demanded women be entered into the workforce. Not only did this make women miserable but it doubled the amount of jobs, which caused wages to drop dramatically. Think about the beanie baby bubble, or the .com bubble, you put enough of something out there it no longer has value (inflation)
It's been a process that has occurred over the past 60 or so years, so it may be hard to find links that support this claim. People can just sort of see the writing on the wall. The easiest way to convince her I think would be to look into Marxism, you will find that Marx laid all of this out back in the 1800s, which is exactly why the family unit is being attacked so seriously (to usher in a collectivist society). These people may be stupid, but they are smart enough to play the long game. Whether they win remains to be seen.
Very good points! I always love to back up my arguments with quotes and facts, but this is something so sinister and so subtle, long-game-ish that it’s hard to ‘prove’ it to anyone. Those with ears will hear and those with eyes will see...plain and simple. The best we can do is to point out the visible facts.
You do enough reading into Marxism and it is remarkably obvious.
I'm telling you, man. I got into researching Marxist atrocities in the past year or so... It is unreal. Seriously. As far as I can tell we're talking AT LEAST 100-150 million dead. And that's not considering the suffering the people who lived endured. Or the wicked, arguably satanic actions of Marx (the guy LITERALLY wrote satanic poetry)... Every time I learn something new about it the whole ideology just gets somehow even worse.
It's a nightmare arguing with communists too, trying to convince them the famines were caused by collectivist policies is harder than cracking cold fusion