It couldn’t be any more obvious to me that the media is constantly trying to shove alternative sexual perspectives down our throats. Netflix is one of the worst out there (which is why I canceled it a long time ago). I believe this is part of a very old agenda of targeting our family units, the very fabric of our society, in order to weaken our society as a whole.
I don’t hold hate or judgement for anyone lgbtq, I just don’t want it to be shoved in our faces as if it’s the new norm. Especially on something like Netflix where kids have full access to watch all that shit. Talk about massive sexual confusion.
My girlfriend doesn’t see this, and this has been a point of conflict for us. I know I’ve seen various old references (like circa 1900) or quotes from elites as targeting families by intentionally degrading our morals, etc.. I would love to try and help her see that this is a documented planned agenda, but I can’t find those references. Any help is appreciated! I’m fully aware of the “protocols” but that one is way too controversial, and no known source, so I don’t think I want to refer to that.
Edit (update): ask and you shall receive! Thank you, fine pedes!
Ask her to count in one day how many transgendered children, men, women, dogs or cats she sees. How many bi-racial couples she sees in stores, buying washing machines or going out to dinner with their 2 absolutely adorable, perfectly dressed and well behaved adopted Oriental and mentally handicapped children. Have her get a quick pic of the 2 young, “Cooper Anderson & hubby” type couple, dressed to the 9s stepping out on the red carpet with their 2 weird but cutely dressed “adopted twin boys”, have her tell you how the SJW she saw with her “FUCK CAPITALISM” t-shirt on and 2 dirty ragamuffin kids with their scroungy, thin, sick looking dog called her a “Trump loving asshole” cause she didn’t give her any money. Tell her to really look at what is around her. If it’s on the street it’s on her television!