Q mentions zero day. Q-4587
https://twitter.com/realAlexBaumann/status/1284240420302536705 C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1 Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4. Q
Now we know. But what is it?
This is a pdf report from the digital citizens alliance, investigating RATs, or Remote Access Trojans.
In a documentary I saw last Sunday, it was shown, how easy it is to remote control a computer (especially windows 10)
Also: streaming video boxes and subtitles may be used to acquire this control.
Given the fact that our lives take place online at least for a part, but we are very dependent on online communication, the question becomes in case of an exploit: what does it shows the hacker about us?
For instance: if you have a computer where both the OS and Data is merged instead of separated, and encrypted, any file may be copied, burned, sealed against ransom.
Your webcam, micro, access to websites are vulnerable to discovery.
Read about it here: https://www.digitalcitizensalliance.org/clientuploads/directory/Reports/2017_7The_Gateway_Trojan.pdf
Prepare accordingly.
On a different note: now you also know how access to DS computers can be had ... ;-)
People are stupid. These people even more.
Election Day+1. Does that really mean that marker 11.4 is November 2022?
Nope, Law of War section11.4..
I worded that wrong. I meant do we have to wait for November 2022 for the marker?
No, the marker is NOT a date, it is a required point of triggering to initiate action-I believe it is VERY soon-quite possibly tied to the "trial of the decade" and the aftermath...
Meaning and reality in our world are two different things.
Look the contents of my post. This is about computer security and digital hygiene. Zeroday has everything to do with digital hygiene.
Let's posit, we would not pay attention to this issue, happily and ignorantly surfing on Windows 10 (android, ios, mac, linux), while all our devices are enslaved to CnC of one or more state actors working in tandem. Not to directly steal our data, but to completely shut us out when the time comes . Our data can be useful in different ways, for instance for shaming practices.
The time we considered 11.4 as a date is quite long behind us, isn't it. so, whence cometh this question? What's your frame of mind?