President Putin told senior advisors that George Soros is using his vast network of agitators to target America’s most sensitive points and cause turmoil.
“Make no mistake, his endgame is revolution through civil war. In America he is using exactly the same tactics he uses everywhere. ”
“George Soros is a well-known pyromaniac with matches in his back pocket pouring petrol onto a bonfire.”
Putin also had a message for Americans. They must reject George Soros and his dangerous influence or else they run the risk of losing the country to globalist interests.
“He does not own the world and he does not have the right to do whatever he wants. The people must come together and reject this dragon. We have no room for his divisive politics in Russia, and I think you will all agree we are much the better for that. With all due respect, America must reject George Soros’s vision.”
President Putin told senior advisors that George Soros is using his vast network of agitators to target America’s most sensitive points and cause turmoil.
“Make no mistake, his endgame is revolution through civil war. In America he is using exactly the same tactics he uses everywhere. ”
“George Soros is a well-known pyromaniac with matches in his back pocket pouring petrol onto a bonfire.”
Putin also had a message for Americans. They must reject George Soros and his dangerous influence or else they run the risk of losing the country to globalist interests.
“He does not own the world and he does not have the right to do whatever he wants. The people must come together and reject this dragon. We have no room for his divisive politics in Russia, and I think you will all agree we are much the better for that. With all due respect, America must reject George Soros’s vision.”
‘The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend. “ At this point I would entertain any help from Putin to help us rid this country of the evil of GS.
Interesting choice of words “.... reject this dragon”. Is this a Russian saying or something else?
That's not a saying that I've heard of. Usually a dragon is a reference to China.