LOL...I wonder how many lurking msm have found themselves trying to decode shit along with us.
HI media! See how we do it, yet? Start with either the most obvious or the most ridiculous and brainstorm until something fits. OR...just make stuff up, which you then print as though you've exposed Q as nut jobs. See how that works? See how we can both play your game? Are you certain what you read is real?
Remember when you were young & idealistic? When you decided to be a journalist? Writing for your high school & college rags...dreaming of exposing corruption, showing the evil in the world, or maybe even just showing readers something special, something they'd never considered before.
Do you now go to bed at night wrestling with your conscience, wondering when exactly you decided to sell out? Or was it a slow boil into propaganda? Do you believe your own lies?
Come over to the side of truth. The rewards are much better, and hey...the Pulitzer doesn't mean fuck all any more.
We're going to need a post-Pedowood / MSM / music series of awards. Or maybe everyone gets an award and if they get caught intentionally spewing propaganda, lies, participating in false flags & hoax's on the "news" or attempting to mind screw people, or in anyway harming children, they are hung at dawn. Their award is continuing to live an honorable life amongst other honorable men and women.
LOL...I wonder how many lurking msm have found themselves trying to decode shit along with us.
HI media! See how we do it, yet? Start with either the most obvious or the most ridiculous and brainstorm until something fits. OR...just make stuff up, which you then print as though you've exposed Q as nut jobs. See how that works? See how we can both play your game? Are you certain what you read is real?
Remember when you were young & idealistic? When you decided to be a journalist? Writing for your high school & college rags...dreaming of exposing corruption, showing the evil in the world, or maybe even just showing readers something special, something they'd never considered before.
Do you now go to bed at night wrestling with your conscience, wondering when exactly you decided to sell out? Or was it a slow boil into propaganda? Do you believe your own lies?
Come over to the side of truth. The rewards are much better, and hey...the Pulitzer doesn't mean fuck all any more.
We're going to need a post-Pedowood / MSM / music series of awards. Or maybe everyone gets an award and if they get caught intentionally spewing propaganda, lies, participating in false flags & hoax's on the "news" or attempting to mind screw people, or in anyway harming children, they are hung at dawn. Their award is continuing to live an honorable life amongst other honorable men and women.
Judging by some of James O'Keefe's CNN videos, it would seem that many do.