Here’s an unknown aspect of that ship sitting on the bottom of the ocean right now: It’s not the Titanic. That is not even the ship you think. Instead, it is the Titanic’s sister ship, her twin, the Olympic. Fantastic research has been done by multiple people who have meticulously documented this, including photos showing the Titanic was swapped with the Olympic while they were parked beside each other in dry dock. Why would they do that? Well, the Olympic was the first of the two ships to be built, making it more advanced in its construction timetable. And during the testing phase, the Olympic hit a British military ship coming out through a clearing as it left the harbor. That collision put a gash the length of a football field on the starboard side of Olympic’s forward bow. This Titanic sister was taken to a shipyard and repaired, but the work done wasn’t using the highest quality steel. In fact, they used cheap pig iron that is much more fragile and of course buckles easily, relative to the steel that should have been used. So, that pig iron on this huge gash right at the waterline, made it a fragile ship. There are photographs of the ship-swapping as it occurred. Not only was the Olympic substituted for the real Titanic, but of course their badging had to be exchanged as well.
Why do we have to hear about the Titanic over and over with every kind of movie, documentary, and television show; over forty productions now to remind us? It’s an orgy of relishing in their success. That crime scene holds the greatest villainy that almost no one ever realized and it’s right in plain sight. They’re laughing at you! They take pleasure at mocking you, who they see as too dumb to even realize what’s being done in your face. You’re just weak, helpless, and blurry-eyed sheep; there to take whatever abuse they are in the mood to subject you to, and then be laughed at for it.
from Kid by the Side of the Road by Juan O Savin