posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +17 / -0

So yes its kind of a test of obedience to see what they can make the citizens do and to train us to slowly get used to making sacrifices for the "greater good". I think is part of it but this is what I think another huge and overlooked piece of it is. They want their Great Reset which involves "rethinking policing", new travel, and they speak about the poverty and future of commerce. I think it is to embolden people to commit crimes and to steal. It is way easier psychologically to commit violence and crimes when you feel anonymous and also dampen the facial reactions of those you are assaulting. If you feel like you can avoid being identified why not throw a brick at police or loot a store? This is so they can say wow police being in danger after all these attacks justifies the rollout of all of these drones, riot control, and other surveillance and policing. They will also say well stealing is this huge new issue and its hard to identify people and that why we need these digital passport systems and robotic systems to sell and check people out. It could start as just a watch on your hand but eventually when the state runs health care it will be your ID attached to your health care which will essentially be some type of chip or tattoo. This way they can charge people easily with a currency they control and they can rollout their robotics to all the stores. Robots follow the commands of their Deep State controllers and require no workers that need to be paid. Eventually it will all come down to who controls the technology and the power which is way easier to centralize and control which has always been the M.O. of the NWO.

Question is would people feel so emboldened to go do that and commit all of the damage and theft like that if their identities weren't concealed and they could be filmed? Would Antifa go march around dressed like that if it was socially encouraged that people had facemark on? I think it would make them an easy target to distinguish as criminals and the deniability is greatly reduced.