posted ago by abraxas628 ago by abraxas628 +233 / -0

We all know that CNN is basically the megaphone of the Deep State (CIA, military industrial complex, secret societies etc.). Therefore we can rely on them to know what NOT to think. Everytime I am not sure about something or someone, I check CNN. If they praise someone, I distrust him, if they demonize him, I check him out. CNN and the MSM are the reasons I became a Q follower. Assuming that Q is just fringe debunked conspiracy theory, it did not make any sense to spend so much time explaining us how wrong and ridiculous this movement was. Same thing with vaccine. I was not anti-vaccine, but the MSM insisted so much that we were all supposed to get a shot for an illness with a 0.03 % fatality that I started seriously distrusting it. That's why I think that to be really awake (and not woke), we should use the MSM as a south compass to confirm or invalidate our theories.