posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +36 / -0

The more I'm learning about the fiat monetary system, the more it appears to be some form of ritualistic/mystic form of converting people and their labors into a quantifiable source of power or leverage.

A gold, silver, or any form of "physically" backed monetary system always allows the user to resolve their wealth, labor, and property in clear terms of measurable commodities.

A fiat system doesn't have that. The only way to measure the fiat dollar against something physical is to measure humans, or rather their labor, as the commodity. But how could you possibly measure a man? A glaring clue that fiat money is satanic in nature is that it rejects the reality only God holds the authority to judge a man's value according to his works.

Without going into the "birth certificates are banknotes" theories, there is already a lot of evidence that the elite cabal who are in charge of the banking system value human life in terms of control, i.e. they measure their own wealth based on how many people's labor/minds they can control.

When put in that light, it feels more like they establish their own hierarchies based on a mystical spell they can put on people to dictate how they act in the world rather than what commodities they can purchase. The more people they control, the more their power grows.

Greek mythology revolves a lot around the greek gods requiring subjects to pray to them in order to grow and maintain their divine powers. The greek gods grew vengeful should someone disrespect their temples because doing so directly assaulted the greek god's veritable font of power. Greek gods competed with one another to acquire more worship from their subjects than their peers, and in doing so established a pecking order. It is obvious to see why this structure led to horrible and tragic Olympian in-fighting as we see in greek mythology.

What if the satanists view themselves in the same light; that they see people purchasing and selling goods with their stamp on them as akin to worship? When they are spoken about or promoted, do they get a rush of perceived power? When boycotted, do they feel not only financially assaulted, but personally or even spiritually?

I have played a lot of games in my time, and for any fantasy game there is usually a form of mana or energy that fuels spells and abilities in the game. One of the widely perceived conflicts these games base their story around are figures who try to accumulate as much mana/energy as they can to wreak havoc upon the world.

What if that isn't too far off from reality? What if the cabal view the fiat dollar in the same way -- as an energy source built upon the souls of men, complete with greek mythos-like fonts of power fueled by our laborious worship?