Her name is Marlene. No last name mentioned. You didn't know who the people she was speaking with were either. I was hoping she would come back with an update!
I call BS on all of those clips. Perhaps Marlene was able to hold a conference with a roomful of people but the info she gave was exactly what was given in the documentary War Castles (Sgt Robert Horton) on youtube. (very interesting, spoke of the Republic vs Corporation, Central Bank, Fed, etc.) She was dropping names of people 'already executed, jailed, replaced, etc.' And per her, there's no more Pope, Hunter was executed on the day before her presentation, Obamas are arrested, Hillary is already dealt with/executed, etc.
Truthfully, I would not be surprised if she isn't revealed as a very intelligent schizophrenic (redundant, perhaps) who is snowing a bunch of 'wanna believers' hoping that all she proposes is actually going to happen.
Additionally, how come nobody besides this mid-level atty (supposedly) in Trump's battery of attorneys is able to release this info but nobody else in the country is coming out with this level of detail. She is dropping names with impunity. Just supposed to believe her.
Lastly, some of the audience asked about NESARA GESARA and her response was 'I'm not allowed to talk about it', yet, two minutes later, she is discussing what is going to happen to people's 401ks, the reprinting of money, how things are going to convert, etc. There was nothing she 'couldn't' answer - she had news on every topic. Nobody is that well versed on every aspect of this with actual facts - this whole works is so compartmentalized that A is not aware of what B is doing unless you are in the very top ranks of this Trump/military Ins.Act transition. My $.02.
Her name is Marlene. No last name mentioned. You didn't know who the people she was speaking with were either. I was hoping she would come back with an update!
I call BS on all of those clips. Perhaps Marlene was able to hold a conference with a roomful of people but the info she gave was exactly what was given in the documentary War Castles (Sgt Robert Horton) on youtube. (very interesting, spoke of the Republic vs Corporation, Central Bank, Fed, etc.) She was dropping names of people 'already executed, jailed, replaced, etc.' And per her, there's no more Pope, Hunter was executed on the day before her presentation, Obamas are arrested, Hillary is already dealt with/executed, etc.
Truthfully, I would not be surprised if she isn't revealed as a very intelligent schizophrenic (redundant, perhaps) who is snowing a bunch of 'wanna believers' hoping that all she proposes is actually going to happen.
Additionally, how come nobody besides this mid-level atty (supposedly) in Trump's battery of attorneys is able to release this info but nobody else in the country is coming out with this level of detail. She is dropping names with impunity. Just supposed to believe her.
Lastly, some of the audience asked about NESARA GESARA and her response was 'I'm not allowed to talk about it', yet, two minutes later, she is discussing what is going to happen to people's 401ks, the reprinting of money, how things are going to convert, etc. There was nothing she 'couldn't' answer - she had news on every topic. Nobody is that well versed on every aspect of this with actual facts - this whole works is so compartmentalized that A is not aware of what B is doing unless you are in the very top ranks of this Trump/military Ins.Act transition. My $.02.