I have just watched a few seconds and suspect this as fake. So PV got a guy into a cafe to chat about shit. Just like that.??? Spill all the beans, just like that with an unknown interviewer? Bollocks. This whole thing is a fucking movie.
It was under the guise of being a date and they went on many of them. The guy put on his tinder profile that he worked for CNN. And it looks like they were drinking in a few of the videos. Seems legit to me.
I have just watched a few seconds and suspect this as fake. So PV got a guy into a cafe to chat about shit. Just like that.??? Spill all the beans, just like that with an unknown interviewer? Bollocks. This whole thing is a fucking movie.
It was under the guise of being a date and they went on many of them. The guy put on his tinder profile that he worked for CNN. And it looks like they were drinking in a few of the videos. Seems legit to me.
Booze talking and showing off then maybe!