Is ship Ever Given ever leavin'?
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yep, his storylines are crazy!
and a lot of strange connections.
he is supposedly THE master of 'alternate' fiction.
the George Magazine intro to Elder Skelter calls him a scene fiction 'scribe'. thought that was a Biblical choice of words...
on the contributor's page in the magazine, Mr. Turtledove said of writing his stories;
"they let me look at reality through a kind of fun-house mirror".
And "do thought experiments on things that are counterfactual"...
makes me wonder what kind of technology these 'artists' / their bosses have access to.
below is a read-aloud of Elder Skelter, everything else I've found has been removed...
story also mentions a group of people named Yer's pronounced Wires AND 'time defiers',
reminiscent of the Q drop about the 'cult' who runs the world, and 'evergreen'
picture in the story also looks just like HRC,
and starts on page 54 (think mirror;)
also see that she's staring at many different screens, like the Epstein Island surveillance picture.
so the pandemic was planned for many years, and was obviously supposed to happen with a blonde female president. Q sure threw a wrench in their plans.
ALL of this^ along with Bill Gates and Maher, crumbs are everywhere in those magazines.
this channel has an entire playlist of the Survival Guide to the Future...
Thank you. You have a wealth of knowledge!
you're welcome:) happy it made sense/was useful.