28 years old perfectly healthy female.
My coworker is an apolitical normie. He is in shock and has backed out of his 2nd shot.
I hope the Patriots make their move soon or can counter this vaccine when it’s all said and done. This can’t continue. I know Trump had to get the vaccine out to counter the Great Reset but this is tragic.
God's Speed to you and your wife. I'm sorry to hear she got one of these shots.
All health is fundamentally in the mind. The vaccine was not necessary, but now that she's had it, if she can truly believe and expect that it aids her health, and will not harm her, then that's the result she can actually expect.
This would have been the correct approach to the virus, too. As long as you don't walk around with the belief that your body is a deterministic machine, and that you are everywhere victim to viruses and bacteria that are out to kill you, you do not need to worry about any virus.
The problem is that the vaccines are having side effects entire orders of magnitude greater than the flu shots we were used to, and this is going to come out. When it comes out, people will panic about the safety of the vaccines, and this may actually create a much larger proportion of side effects and deaths.
Again, the body is not deterministic, but people believe it is, and this causes people to indulge in vicious cycles of fear that actually can cause disease.
The Covid pandemic was the first opportunity to go against the fear that is everywhere around you, and declare yourself in no need of being ill. If you did that, then you don't need any vaccine.
Your wife will now have a second chance, she needs to find the same faith in her personal health and safety once the fear porn about the "outcomes of the vaccines" is everywhere in the media. An absolute faith that her health is her own choice is the ultimate protection, but this needs to be accepted subconsciously. This means ignoring a lot of "science", but that is usually as easy as finding other science that says something else, or just recognizing that science is based on flawed assumptions.