Something is definitely stirring, the Jim Cavaziel video, go ahead and google Jim Cavaziel it didn't take long for the clowns to fire back ( this is a fun one haha check out those twitter remarks at the bottom:,
Oh man, and Lyn Wood going wild no holds barred dropping big names linked to human trafficking, un-freaking believable, defamation doesn't get anymore blatant than that... an invitation or proof that they can't touch him? The Dan Scavino post, Bunker-Forest-Blue reference? I certainly think so. Qs constant mentioning of April Showers. What could it all mean? I have no freaking clue but what I do know is that April showers bring May flowers and I am expecting next month to be wild. No I'm not date fagging, this past week has already proven to be wild to me but I definitely feel its mounting up to something much bigger.
Do a search for list of Trumps rally songs. The song titles are interesting and more than likely purposely chosen.
I'm a bedroom DJ, and I have an unorthodox style where I put together mixes of songs I've "pulled out of the ether" - songs that show up in these forums, random stuff I stumble on, etc. I don't know what's going to come next when I'm doing it, but it always comes out pretty interesting, and very Q and spiritual. I'll maybe share one when I feel comfortable.
That said, you've given me a new project to work on. Going to be researching this when I have the time... A quick Duckhunt on mobile didn't pull up any definitive lists. Maybe God's telling me to do the legwork here.
And to OP, there's definitely static in the air. And that's a really good way to put it. God's energy is literally everything. And He's letting us feel it, whether or not we believe.
Great thread.