Something is definitely stirring, the Jim Cavaziel video, go ahead and google Jim Cavaziel it didn't take long for the clowns to fire back ( this is a fun one haha check out those twitter remarks at the bottom:,
Oh man, and Lyn Wood going wild no holds barred dropping big names linked to human trafficking, un-freaking believable, defamation doesn't get anymore blatant than that... an invitation or proof that they can't touch him? The Dan Scavino post, Bunker-Forest-Blue reference? I certainly think so. Qs constant mentioning of April Showers. What could it all mean? I have no freaking clue but what I do know is that April showers bring May flowers and I am expecting next month to be wild. No I'm not date fagging, this past week has already proven to be wild to me but I definitely feel its mounting up to something much bigger.
The best rated comment section gives hope.