He didn't say he's on the other side. He had posted that he was cautiously optimistic about this. Someone responded with what basically amounted to "stop dooming" to which he replied that he wasn't dooming and was being cautiously optimistic. He was mentioning that he's agreeing with the post and with Lin but more cautious about it, yet somehow people on the same side ("our side") are going and attacking him for it as being some kind of doomer.
Reread the message much?
He didn't say he's on the other side. He had posted that he was cautiously optimistic about this. Someone responded with what basically amounted to "stop dooming" to which he replied that he wasn't dooming and was being cautiously optimistic. He was mentioning that he's agreeing with the post and with Lin but more cautious about it, yet somehow people on the same side ("our side") are going and attacking him for it as being some kind of doomer.