It could be underreported or overreported. You can read each individual case at vaers. IMHO about half the cases I read were not clearly linked to the vaccine (kind of like covid deaths). Someone in hospice, stage 4 cancer, dies a week after the jab.
I also assume there is underreporting due to the high level of ‘buy in’ that this is the safest vaccine ever.
It’s hard to know. It’s the best/only data source we have and it looks pretty devestating to me.
It could be underreported or overreported. You can read each individual case at vaers. IMHO about half the cases I read were not clearly linked to the vaccine (kind of like covid deaths). Someone in hospice, stage 4 cancer, dies a week after the jab.
I also assume there is underreporting due to the high level of ‘buy in’ that this is the safest vaccine ever.
It’s hard to know. It’s the best/only data source we have and it looks pretty devestating to me.
Agreed. Especially for seniors.