Hello all, I have a young child who was diagnosed with autism a few years ago.
I am writing to ask if anyone can point me to or suggest any alternative treatments or holistic options. I am trying everything I can and he is getting better but can't help but feel a more natural option may be the key.
Thank you in advance
This info (with a lot of prayer and faith) helped my niece a lot when she diagnosed with a mild level of autism at age 2. My sister made sure the kid's meals followed a natural diet as much as possible (non artifical ingredients, no dye or colorants, no margarines or man made ingredents and a healthy dosage of good fats including omega-3). A year later the Dr was astonished of the drastic change but of course refused to believe it was the diet. Today my niece is a healthy teenager.
Book: Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder by Jaquelyn McCandless