281 FedEx Worker who gave interview a few days ago was involved in another fake shooting in 2015, cmon man (media.greatawakening.win) False Flag posted 3 years ago by Muscleup12 3 years ago by Muscleup12 +281 / -0 33 comments download share 33 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
They look similar in those photos due to the low angle of Issac Martinez laying down photo. Here is a photo of Issac Martinez standing up. You can see that he looks different than the man giving the interview about the FedEx shooting. https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/d92344e2e6ba2eae1ddf1ae5e1ae53a69be292b1/c=204-0-3396-2400&r=x393&c=520x390/local/-/media/2015/03/19/Phoenix/Phoenix/635624042109188597-phxdc5-6jpc5mib252imcvbnj0-original.jpg
The photo of Issac Martinez standing up is from the slideshow of photos at the bottom of this news article: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa/2015/03/18/suspect-mesa-shooting-spree-long-rap-sheet/24992123/
It's the same person retard