When I was 17 I had cancer and had to go through 2 surgeries to remove a malignant tumor, as well as chemo and radiation treatments. During my chemo treatments which went on for 6 months, if I didnt take the medicine that is MJ? I would get violently ill that would last for 12 hours and at the end of my week long treatment sessions? It would take me a month to recover. But when I was able to bring some MJ to the hospital with me before my week long chemo treatments, the exact opposite would happen. I would not get sick, and I was able to eat and would not need any recovery time after the week. Also before I started my treatments, my Dr. told my mother, that she recommends I use MJ during my treatments. That is my experience with MJ, and it is a miracle herb and should not be illegal at all.
When I was 17 I had cancer and had to go through 2 surgeries to remove a malignant tumor, as well as chemo and radiation treatments. During my chemo treatments which went on for 6 months, if I didnt take the medicine that is MJ? I would get violently ill that would last for 12 hours and at the end of my week long treatment sessions? It would take me a month to recover. But when I was able to bring some MJ to the hospital with me before my week long chemo treatments, the exact opposite would happen. I would not get sick, and I was able to eat and would not need any recovery time after the week. Also before I started my treatments, my Dr. told my mother, that she recommends I use MJ during my treatments. That is my experience with MJ, and it is a miracle herb and should not be illegal at all.