Why is it "imperative" that people set aside finite time to "learn the truth" about Hitler before this current crap is dealt with? Might as well also get up in the face of every Russiaphile troll enjoying free rein of this place and ask them why a Russian agent wrote the UN charter, why Russia voted in favor of the creation of Israel, and why Putin is a huge fan of the Stalin who co-started WWII-European theater by jointly invading Poland with Hitler.
Why is it "imperative" that people set aside finite time to "learn the truth" about Hitler before this current crap is dealt with? Might as well also get up in the face of every Russiaphile troll enjoying free rein of this place and ask them why a Russian agent wrote the UN charter, why Russia voted in favor of the creation of Israel, and why Putin is a huge fan of the Stalin who co-started WWII-European theater by jointly invading Poland with Hitler.