Get the popcorn ready for the audit in Arizonaaaaaa! The George Floyd distraction is now null and void
? B O O M ! ?
The dominoes will fall
If they find substantial fraud there, shit is going to hit the fan faster than you can say "NCSWIC"
This is the tipping point. The media narrative completely falls apart. The claims can no longer be played off as baseless
u/joego is being downvoted, but he's right.
It's very unlikely it will result in much.
What power exactly do "We the people" have?
Zero peaceful power anymore. Our rights are tread upon, and our government has become tyrannical. It is now worse -- multitudes -- than the British were at the time of seizing our independence.
Well the mods deleted it so now noone can see it and make their own decisions.... Yea i wish there was a 100 percent free speech place.