"Ralph Ferguson, who alleges Walt paid him $100 for a night of sex,"
He might have been a needy fag, but nobody pays the near-equivalent of 3 troy ounces of gold ($105 circa 1950s, or $5,400 today) for butt-sex nightly.
Fabulists and fakirs attempting to profit by embellishing the unsavory reputations of others by adding in a little fan-fiction of their own often get themselves hung on historical details like inflation.
"Ralph Ferguson, who alleges Walt paid him $100 for a night of sex,"
He might have been a needy fag, but nobody pays the near-equivalent of 3 troy ounces of gold ($105 circa 1950s, or $5,400 today) for butt-sex nightly.
Fabulists and fakirs attempting to profit by embellishing the unsavory reputations of others by adding in a little fan-fiction of their own often get themselves hung on historical details like inflation.