What really bothers me about this is 12 to 14 aren't old enough or mentally stable enough to be Trans. I have a very good friend who is trans. She had a ton of mental health issues before. Went to counseling did the whole shabang before actually getting the surgery. In Ontario that's what they do. She went through 3 years transitioning. Now let me tell you one thing I will always love her for who she is regardless because I know her as a human being first. Now fast forward 6 years and she regrets every bit of it. Why? Because her mental health was the issue and people so busy trying to push an agency coaxed her into it. Now my friend is over 55 years old and literally hates herself. Calls herself an abomination. THIS IS A 55 YEAR OLD ADULT. I can't even imagine trying to make a child make such a decision like that. As an adult you can make any decisions you want as long as its not hurting someone else. But this friend of mine literally becomes enraged at the thought of people trying to make kids make a decision like that. Places like Disney literally sensationalizing shit like this makes it a trend. So whats left of these beat up broken mentally tortured human beings after all these " trendsetters " are bored?! I can't even think of whats going to happen to these people. As Republicans who are against it. As am I. I guess my real question is will these people be accepted or just buried hidden or left to die so to speak or will they be also accepted with open arms when they become awake? Sorry for the long comment ?
What really bothers me about this is 12 to 14 aren't old enough or mentally stable enough to be Trans. I have a very good friend who is trans. She had a ton of mental health issues before. Went to counseling did the whole shabang before actually getting the surgery. In Ontario that's what they do. She went through 3 years transitioning. Now let me tell you one thing I will always love her for who she is regardless because I know her as a human being first. Now fast forward 6 years and she regrets every bit of it. Why? Because her mental health was the issue and people so busy trying to push an agency coaxed her into it. Now my friend is over 55 years old and literally hates herself. Calls herself an abomination. THIS IS A 55 YEAR OLD ADULT. I can't even imagine trying to make a child make such a decision like that. As an adult you can make any decisions you want as long as its not hurting someone else. But this friend of mine literally becomes enraged at the thought of people trying to make kids make a decision like that. Places like Disney literally sensationalizing shit like this makes it a trend. So whats left of these beat up broken mentally tortured human beings after all these " trendsetters " are bored?! I can't even think of whats going to happen to these people. As Republicans who are against it. As am I. I guess my real question is will these people be accepted or just buried hidden or left to die so to speak or will they be also accepted with open arms when they become awake? Sorry for the long comment ?