That Police Officer is a hero,his shooting,in a split second,very high stress situation,
brilliant,very controlled,very accurate and only fired what appeared to be 4 rounds.
If he had tried using a Taser, the Taser may have failed,the girl in pink may have
been stabbed and killed and another Officer would have had to shoot the girl armed
with the knife.
For the Officer,this was a terrible situation to be confronted with and he did the only
action available to him and the people that say why didn't he shot her in the leg or shoot her hand, it happens way too fast and the threat must be eliminated as
quickly as possible by shooting at "the centre of seen mass",in this case the girl's
upper body,and firing till the threat is stopped
Now the MSM will do their best to demonise this Officer.
That Police Officer is a hero,his shooting,in a split second,very high stress situation, brilliant,very controlled,very accurate and only fired what appeared to be 4 rounds.
If he had tried using a Taser, the Taser may have failed,the girl in pink may have been stabbed and killed and another Officer would have had to shoot the girl armed with the knife.
For the Officer,this was a terrible situation to be confronted with and he did the only action available to him and the people that say why didn't he shot her in the leg or shoot her hand, it happens way too fast and the threat must be eliminated as quickly as possible by shooting at "the centre of seen mass",in this case the girl's upper body,and firing till the threat is stopped
Now the MSM will do their best to demonise this Officer.