Alexa. Record and film everything I ever say or do, and everything anyone around me ever says or does. Please store this information from myself along with the same data from everyone around the world to help facilitate the propaganda machine and help smooth the transition into the Luciferian take over of the world.
Oh, and also order me something I don't need from Amazon so I can transfer more wealth and power into the hands of the Luciferians and help destroy all other businesses in the world. Lets make this transition as quick as possible as well.
Thanks Alexa. Can you please play some music that programs my dreams about my world ending? Thanks.
You are so damned useful. What did I ever do without you!
Alexa, Play Sabotage by the Beastie Boys.
Alexa. Record and film everything I ever say or do, and everything anyone around me ever says or does. Please store this information from myself along with the same data from everyone around the world to help facilitate the propaganda machine and help smooth the transition into the Luciferian take over of the world.
Oh, and also order me something I don't need from Amazon so I can transfer more wealth and power into the hands of the Luciferians and help destroy all other businesses in the world. Lets make this transition as quick as possible as well.
Thanks Alexa. Can you please play some music that programs my dreams about my world ending? Thanks.
You are so damned useful. What did I ever do without you!