Last week I had 2 visits to our front door, unknown knockers. 1st one said he was meeting a friend, 'john wilkinson' there. And 2nd guy, days later, said he was there to 'buy a controller'.
Im a life long resident in my city, cant remember last time Ive had a wrong address unknown knocker, tho I know they occur. Now 2 in a week. We upped our security immediately, which was already pretty solid, but added 6 cameras.
It freaks me out for obvious reasons. Idk if theres an address spoofing scam going on or its casing. I dont believe it was just 2 random wrong addresses. Absolutely not. I read dozens of articles over the weekend on scams and both knockers stories were listed as examples to be sus of. And even without reading those duh. Come on. So Id say Im in a strong condition orange rn. Does anyone know of any scams going on that would include using addresses or has had experience with door knocking casing that you could offer input about?
thanks. Im going to get the recording. I talk thru security door at minimum which is heavy iron, cant see inside but I can see out, and opens outward. But also will talk tthru camera from now on anyway. Also putting up sign saying No unknown callers, dont even knock. We see you, hear you, and are being recorded.